EEeeeeeeeeeeveryday stayed at home.
dah mau jadi org gileerrr ehhh..
boring boring boring !!!!!!!!!!
the fucking hair course dunno when only can start !
i always don't have the mood to blog one.
After i clicked the "New Post" thingy.
then i'll start to scratch my head , dunno where or when to start !
n always i have to squeeze few days in a post. = =!
Sighs ..
cause my daily life is so boring.. Dx
see ar..
15th of June
9pm- went to Tropicana City for Movie (karate kids)
with wifey, eddie & patt ..
12am- yamcha at ss2 .
that's all..
16th & 17th of June
forgot where i went already O.o
18th of June
Went wifey's house for a while at evening..
19th of June
Stayed over night at wifey's house ..
We talked / played alot ! muahaha
we played lami at 12am to 2am ++..
then online until 4am .
4am- 7am we chit chat on the bed ..
Hugged this Patrick n tidoo ❤❤
then kena wake by her mum at 11/12am..
hahaha. very tired man...
once i open my eyes her mum, dad n sister also walking in her room.!
The situation damn funny.. XD
after we clean ourself , then we headed to kk for breakfast.
after that i drove back home n get ready to go Sunway with family.
n then i bought a top from forever 21 . damn hard to find cloths there weih. Dx
We had our dinner at Dragon-i .. then balik rumah after that.~ ;)
21st of June
Went subang Neway with wifey.
4pm-7pm only. Eeeks .. 3 hours only. D:
after sing k , we headed to go sunway pyramid.. wahlao..
i 1st time drove there without my dad guiding T_T ..
damn scary O_O
i bought one RED nail polish at elianto ❤
after a while, then we balik to her house online n chit chat. xD
Both of us viewed back our old pictures at my friendster 1st acc..
haahah.. our hairstyle , our pose , our face. wtf. damn sucks !!
12am- i fetch her out for supper at KFC..
we ate cheezzy wedges . FATS! ZOMG.!
after Eddie reached there, then i balik lu..
and one more thing I HATE SRI MUDA'S TRAFFIC LIGHT !!!
this was the 2nd time i wait for the light to turn green for so damn long !..
n two times also i park at the first place..
i think i waited for about 15-20 minutes. wtf. got police at the other lane summore.
dunno whether wan to go or not. >< ..
Ended up i wait till ppl horn me only i go. lol.
damn dulan . hmph..
that's all for now..